


UNIX Installation for version below 4.0

sh dev (find out where is CD-Rom Drive)
Boot from CD >>> bDKA600
Choose 3) SYSTEM Management (to partion, dll)
#cd /dev
#./MAKEDEV rz0
# disklabel –z rz0 (if the disk has been used before or scratch disk)
# disklabel –wr rz0 rz29 (rz29 is the disk type)
# disklabel –er rz0
# 1,$n (20,$n à read lines)
    1. (a: )
    2. (b: )
    3. (g: )
    w (write)
    q (quit)
    ^d (enter run level –s à got single user mode)

Note :
The recommended size for each partions are :
Partition a 700000 blocks
Partition b 4000000 blocks
Partition g 3677344 blocks
Partition h the rest.

Choose 2) ADVANCED Installation
……… follow the instruction …….
Choose 1 rz0
Use advfs.
Use existing disk label.
>>> set boot_osflags A
>>> set bootdef_dev DKA0
>>> b
………. Follow the instructions ………
"use default?" à NO
use /usr à acvfs; specify /usr, swap, /usr/var
select all (58) - confirm yes (y)

etc …. System name (host name), GMT +7, time, build kernel – auto reboot (select all of the above (12))

# configure (5)
# setup (to change fonts : ctrl + right click)
choose 13) License Management Facility (LMF)
……… Follow the instructions ……..
enter the required information from the license (> lmf list)
Product name :
NET-APP-SUP-200 active unlimited
OSF-BASE active unlimited
OSF-USR active 2 0
Network setup
# netsetup

    1. configure; c) onfigure; yes; tu0; yes(hostname); yes (IP address);

# rcinet start
# vi /etc/routes
default (router ASMO)
or default
Install "Software Product Library" – Disk 1 of 4, Jan 1996
# mount –r /dev/rz6c /mnt (mount CDROM to /mnt à as mounting point)
# cd /mnt
# cd afa 320
# cd kit
# setld –l
………. Follow the instructions ……
install all (5 for all)
# cd /mnt
# setld –l n20700/kit
………. Follow the instructions ……..
install all (4 for all)
# nainstall
# lmf list
# vi .profile
add line:
PS1 = ‘hostname’#’${PWD##*/} à
:wq (to write and quit)
# chsh
new shell: /bin/ksh
# ksh
# ./.profile (to activate)
To give permission for root directly to access from the other terminal add the following:
cd /etc
vi securettys
Add à ptys

UNIX Installation for version 4.0 up

>>> b DKA400
Enter to installation windows

  1. Installation type : custom.
  2. Enter host name.
  3. Enter root password and verify.
  4. Enter date.
  5. Enter Location : GMT +7.
  6. Check the following partition :
    Root rz0 a advfs
    Usr rz0 g advfs
    Var in /usr
    Swap rz0 b
  7. Click Partiton Disk.
  8. Change units into megabyte to make easier.
  9. Define the size for each partition as describe before.
  10. Ensure that all settings are correct and click commit.
  11. Choose ok and close.
  12. Select software.
  13. Add All.
  14. Setup done.

Network setup
# netsetup

    1. configure; c) onfigure; yes; tu0; yes(hostname); yes (IP address);

# rcinet start
# vi /etc/routes
default (router ASMO)
or default
Install "Software Product Library" – Disk 1 of 4, Jan 1996
# mount –r /dev/rz6c /mnt (mount CDROM to /mnt à as mounting point)
# cd /mnt
# cd afa 320
# cd kit
# setld –l
………. Follow the instructions ……
install all (5 for all)
# cd /mnt
# setld –l n20700/kit
………. Follow the instructions ……..
install all (4 for all)
# nainstall
# lmf list
# vi .profile
add line:
PS1 = ‘hostname’#’${PWD##*/} à
:wq (to write and quit)
# chsh
new shell: /bin/ksh
# ksh
# ./.profile (to activate)
To give permission for root directly to access from the other terminal add the following:
cd /etc
vi securettys
Add à ptys


Copy the following file from source disk to target disk

  1. /etc/listener.ora (<sid>adm system)
  2. /etc/tnsnames.ora (root system)
  3. /etc/oratab (ora<sid> system)
  4. /etc/sapr3.stanza (root system)
  5. /etc/fdmns (root system)
  6. /etc/hosts (root system)
  7. /etc/ group (root system)
  8. /etc/passwd (root system)
  9. /etc/sapconf (root system)
  10. /etc/printcap (root system)
  11. /usr/users/<sid>adm
  12. /usr/sap/trans/tnsnames.ora (root system)
  13. /usr/sap/trans/sqlnet.ora (<sid>adm sapsys)
  14. /usr/sap/trans/.sapconf (<sid>adm sapsys)
  15. create link listener.ora à /etc/listener.ora



SAP Basis Hint

This page was last updated on 08/23/98.

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